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Orthopaedic Footwear

The Gripper Shoe is the result of years of co-operation between Dr. John Turner, a consultant physician - and previous winner of a Toshiba/Design Council award for medical innovation - and Orthotist Mr. Peter Bullen. The Gripper expands and contracts to make sure that, whether your problem is arthritic or diabetic, corns or bunions, or any other condition that leads to swollen feet, that you will always have a comfortable well fitting shoe.

The Gripper Shoe

With all the comfort of the Gripper, the Traveller is a much more stylish piece of footwear but which fully supports the foot in the correct anatomical manner. As well as Spandex covered neoprene straps and a one-piece high density PU footbed the Gripper has highly efficient built in shock absorption providing cushioning protection for the ankle, knee, joints, pelvis and spine.

The Traveller Sandal